PIP2 and TMEM16A

Synopsis: While recording currents conducted by the Ca2+-activated Cl- channels, TMEM16A, in the inside-out configuration of the patch clamp technique, we observed that even in the presence of continuous Ca2+ application, these currents decayed over time. In this manuscript, we characterized demonstrate that TMEM16A channels are regulated by the phospholipid PIP2, and that the current decay in excised patches was the result of PIP2 depletion.

To study TMEM16A currents, we made recordings of the endogenous Ca2+-activated currents in X. laevis oocytes using the inside-out configuration of the patch clamp technique. Notably, the prominent Ca2+-activated current recorded from X. laevis oocytes is conducted by TMEM16A channels (Schroeder et al., 2008). During 100-150 ms steps to -60 and +60 mV, we observed robust, Ca2+-activated TMEM16A currents at both voltages. Surprisingly, these currents decayed over time despite the continued presence of saturating Ca2+. Loss of current from excised patches is a phenomenon known as rundown. We then sought to characterize this rundown and uncover the mechanisms that lead to the loss of TMEM16A-conducted currents after patch excision.

Ca2+-activated, TMEM16A conducted currents recorded in the inside-out configuration of the patch clamp technique, slowly decay even int he continuous presence of intracellular Ca2+.

Ca2+-activated, TMEM16A conducted currents recorded in the inside-out configuration of the patch clamp technique, slowly decay even int he continuous presence of intracellular Ca2+.

By comparing the proportion of peak current decay at +60 and -60 mV, we found that the current decay was not voltage dependent. By comparing the proportion of current decay with the peak current size of individual patches, we found that the rate of current decay was similar between patch recordings regardless of applied voltage or the total current.

Rundown of current conducted by channels recorded from in excised inside-out patches is characteristic of channels regulated by the acidic lipid PIP2. We therefore hypothesized that if TMEM16A current rundown occurred due to the depletion of PIP2 in excised patches, PIP2 application should recover TMEM16A currents following current decay. We tested this hypothesis by applying dicotanoylglycerol-PIP2 (diC8-PIP2), a water-soluble analog of PIP2, to inside-out patches excised from X. laevis oocytes. For these experiments, we recorded TMEM16A-conducted currents before and during application of 2 mM Ca2+. Once the Ca2+-activated currents ran down to a steady state, we applied 100 μM diC8-PIP2 in the presence of 2 mM Ca2+. We observed that 100 μM diC8-PIP2 application recovered 3.6 +/- 0.5-fold current. We next determined if diC8-PIP2 was sufficient to recover TMEM16A current following rundown, or if diC8-PIP2 and Ca2+ are both required. We found that diC8-PIP2 application in the absence of Ca2+ had a nominal effect on TMEM16A, changing the current by 1.1 +/- 0.1-fold. These data demonstrate that although Ca2+ activates TMEM16a, PIP2 is required for these channels to conduct Cl- currents. Moreover, PIP2 potentiates TMEM16A currents only in the presence of intracellular Ca2+.

The diC8-PIP2 compound could theoretically regulate TMEM16A channels by interactions mediated by its lipid tail group, or its phosphoinositol head group. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that the dicotanoylglycerol-phosphoinositol backbone (diC8-PI) alone was sufficient to recover current. Following TMEM16A current rundown, we applied 100 μM diC8-PI with Ca2+ and quantified the proportion of current recovered. We observed that 100 μM diC8-PI application nominally altered the TMEM16A currents, recovering 1.4 +/- 0.2-fold current (1-fold recovery represents no change in current). This result demonstrates that without the phosphorylated head groups, diC8-PI was unable to recover TMEM16A currents suggesting that the phosphates mediate the TMEM16a-PIP2 interaction. Altogether, the data reveal that in addition to Ca2+, PIP2 regulates TMEM16A gating and is required for these channels to conduct current.

The PIP2 analog, diC8-PIP2, recovered TMEM16A conducted currents following rundown.

The PIP2 analog, diC8-PIP2, recovered TMEM16A conducted currents following rundown.

Application of PIP2 scavengers sped rundown.

Application of PIP2 scavengers sped rundown.

Our finding that diC8-PIP2 restored TMEM16A currents, suggested that rundown may be the result of PIP2 depletion in excised inside-out patches. Thus, we reasoned that we should be able to speed TMEM16A current rundown by applying compounds that compete with TMEM16A for binding to PIP2. We tested this hypothesis by determining whether application of two compounds known to scavenge PIP2, altered the rate of TMEM16A current decay: a PIP2-targeting antibody (anti-PIP2) or neomycin. Indeed, we observed that both anti-PIP2 and neomycin sped TMEM16A current rundown.

PIP2 can be depleted through its dephosphorylation of the inositol head group and recreated through re-phosphorylation of the PI. Within an intact cell, these phosphatases and kinases together act to maintain a stable concentration of PIP2. However, in excised patches, these membrane-anchored kinases lack access to the ATP required to fuel re-phosphorylation and regeneration of PIP2. In other words, phosphatases can still dephosphorylate PIP2, but the kinases cannot rephosphorylate the lipid. We found that application of Mg-ATP along with Ca2+ to excised patches, which should enable resphosphorylation of PIP2, slowed TMEM16A current rundown in excised inside-out patches.

Next, we reasoned that if phosphatase-mediated PIP2 depletion causes TMEM16A current rundown in excised patches then inhibiting phosphatase activity would also slow rundown. Indeed we found that in application of Ca2+ with the general phosphatase inhibitor sodium beta-glycerophosphate pentahydrate (BGP), slowed TMEM16A rundown. These data suggest that TMEM16A currents rundown in excised patches as the result of PIP2 depletion via its dephosphorylation.

Enabling rephosphorylation or inhibiting phosphatases slowed TMEM16A current decay.

Enabling rephosphorylation or inhibiting phosphatases slowed TMEM16A current decay.

PIP2 and Ca2+ are both required to open TMEM16A channels.

PIP2 and Ca2+ are both required to open TMEM16A channels.

Together our data reveal that TMEM16A channels require both Ca2+ and PIP2 to conduct Cl- currents. Importantly, we are not the only research group to study the role of PIP2 in TMEM16A regulation! One group has reported that PIP2 inhibits TMEM16A channels (PMID 24834965) and another states that PIP2 does not alter TMEM16A currents (PMID 21115851). Other groups also report a PIP2 potentiation of channel activity (PMID 29277655, PMID 28616863, and PMID 31434906). We suspect the varying findings reflect the varying specificity of the experimental system.